Page 10 - edwards1947
P. 10


       Valle ••••• 011  field  and  the  .tiliooene•.Miooene  contact  at  the

       type  aeotion  of the  1£odelo  formation.''  He  f'urtmr  states  that

       this  unoon:form1 ty  is  not  sufficient  to  alter greatly  the  Modelo

       structure  ae  interpreted  from  the  overlying .::liocene  sediments.

       Repetto  formation.  lower  Iliocenel

                The  amount  of  ?liooene  penetrated  by  the  wells  depends,

       of course,  on  the  position  on  the  structure,  but  about  5700

       feet  seems  to  be  t~:ie  maximum.         This  includes  both  Repetto  and
       ;,· 100.  The  section as  described  by  s~e geologists  for

        sam.e  locality contains  arproximately  500  feet  of  Saugus  in

       formations  penetrated  by  the  same  wells.  The  writer could  find

       no  basis for  this  if the  division  between  the  :.·too  and  Saugus

        18  limited  to  the  marine-non-marine  basis.

                The  Repetto  formation  orops  out  at  the  su.rface  in  the

       producing  area  west  of the  San  Martinez  Grande  Canyon.                    It

       has  been  carried.  to  the  surfaoe  here  by  the  Del  Valle  thrust

       f'ault  (see  geologic  map  and  Structure  Sectiono-c').  !be  top

       of  the  Repetto  is  plaoed  by the  writer at  the  base  of a  con•

       glomerate  bed  that  rep~esents  a  stratigranhic break  between  the

       Repetto  and  lower  : ioo.  800  to  900  feet  of  Repe too  ie  exposed

       here.  where  it consists  of  e11tstones             1   brown,  and  gray-brown.

        Sande  grade  upward  into  the  massive  gray  s1lts:>nee  and  aands

       of  the  lower  : loo.  The  Re:petto  is  t,l'P raeterized  b:,  slumping•

       even  on  relatively moderate  slor~s.  In  fact,  the  slu.~ping  is
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