Page 5 - edwards1947
P. 5

and  southeast.         The  Del  Valle  oil  field  1 tself'  oooupies  seotione

        15.  16,  17t  and  18,  T.  4  1.,  R,  17  w.  The  Ramona  field  1•

         1mmed.1atc,ly  north and  west  ot  the  Del  Valle  fieldl  however,

        only  that  part of  it whioh  is  necessary  tor  the  explanation

         ot the  geology  of'  the  area  as  a  Whole  is included  1n  this  report.

         The  area  1s moderately  rugged.  with differences  in relief of

         more  than  1000  feet,  The  highest  elevation  in  the  area  is •ore

         than  2200  feet  above  sea  level,  with the  lowest  being  less  than

         s,s  feet  above  sea  level.

                 The  entire  area  drains  to  the  south  into  the  Santa  Clara

        River,  Intermittent  streams  from  the  San  Martine•  Grande
        Canyon  and  the  San  Martinez  Chiquito  Canyon  drain  into  the

         northeast-southwest  :tlowlng  Santa  Clara  River.

                 m~  ~'!-_,  n-t  vegetatio.n  found  here  depend  upon  the  aoil

         types.  The  vegetation  is  commonly  more  p~W>unoed.  on  the

        north  aide  of  the  hills  where  it does  not rece1 ve  the  direct

        rays  of  the  sun.  Graas  is  found  on  the  siltstone,  and  sandy

         siltstiones  of  the  lower  :.iico  and  Repetto  f'or•tions,  whereas

        ~a1nly  abaparral  and  cactus  grow  on  the  sandstones ot  tbe

        upper  .:2100  and  Saugus.  Some  of  tb.e  chaparral  on  the  north

         slopes  is  so  thick that  it  is almost  impossible  to  penetrate

         it. +.

                 Outcrops  are  excellent  in  this  area  1n  cl1tfs,  canyons,

         and  BUllies.  The  numerous  road  outs  found  here also  greatly

        vaeilitated  the  geologic  mapping.  Two  rather  large  areaa
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