Page 11 - edwards1947
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        to  suoh an  extent  that  the  mapping  in  these  areas  is of  no

        structural  value.  Bet,veen  2200  and  2400  feet  of  Rer.etto  seem

        to  be  represented  on  the  well  loge  in  the  nel  Valle  area.  Thia
        oorr<le:pond.e  ?"1 thar olossly  to  tbe  2150  feet  reported  by  Tarbe,!/

        in  the  same  area.  It  should  be  note-e<  here  that  Kew  did  not

        recognize  the  Repetto  in  this  area  and  assigned  tbe  whole

        .i?liooene  to  the  ~1oo  formation  (eee  Correlation  Table)•

                There  is one  producing  z:>  ne  in  the  Repetto,  the  Sepulveda

        tone,  which  1s  considered  to  be  1n  the  lowermost  i'l1ocene.  It

        is  the  highest  2D ~ strs tigra.µhioally  in  the  Del  Valle  area•

        Iico  formation,  u;ppr  ilioeene t

                The  lower  :eteo  is  exposed  south of  the  Repetto  on  the  Del

        Valle  sheet,  south  and  weet  of  San Martinez  Grande  Can•

        yon  and  on  the  Ramom  anticline.  It  consists  of a  basal  con-

        glomerate  overlain  bJ  gray-brown  siltstone  with local  inter•

        beie  of  buff  to  gray  sandstone.  Between  the  Del  Valle  and  Ra•

        mona  :f'aulta  the  1r-ioo  exposed  1e  ohief'l7  a  sandstone  unit  with

        so•  of  the  lower  :i-'ico 's  siltstone  outcropping  also.  Thie

        sandst:>ne  unit  is approximately  2000  to  2300  feet  thick  and  is

        upper  E'ico.  The  top  of the  ~.  ieo  as  seen  along  Structure  Seo•

        t1on  A•A'  is a  thin.  very  toeailiferoue  ailte1tone,  grading

        into  a  sand.stone•  :Beneath  this are white  to  buff•  creme  sand•
        stones,  well•bedded,  sorted  and  cemen  9.d•  medium  to  coarse

        grained..     Some  400  feet  below  the  tor  o:f  the  formation  is  an

        '1.  Tarbet;,  't.  I., 2,l?.•  ill••  P•  19d,  rga.
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