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(coipmonly known as  the  G.  I.  Bill of Rights),,  and  . (3)  the willingness
                       of  California employees to  commute by automobile to  their place of

                           However,  this  is  a  modest development (containing about 55  homes)
                       and  should not be  considered as  evidence  that  residential building  on a
                       large  scale would be  successful in the area.  The backlog  of  housing
                       demand in the  immediate vicinity  seems to have been nearly met and
                       the possibility of  securing new G.  I.  financing  is limited.

                           The  Federal Housing  Administration would not approve the  Bonelli
                       project for  FHA insurance because the  FHA examiner felt that it was
                       too  isolated from  other  subdivisions.  Tracts developed  closer to  New-
                       hall may well be  eligible for  FHA financing,  however;  the FHA studies
                       each development  on its  own merits  and only makes  loans  after thorough
                       invest igation.

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