Page 2 - mrca20190109
P. 2

Agenda Item X
                       January 9, 2019
                       Page 2

                       Several special status and regionally endemic species have been documented in the
                       vicinity of the subject parcels including, but not limited to: Least Bell’s vireo, western
                       spadefoot toad, loggerhead shrike, and burrowing owl. Additionally, the California
                       Natural Diversity Database documents several plant species in the vicinity including:
                       San Fernando Valley spineflower, slender mariposa lily  and round-leaved filaree.

                       The northern subject parcels abut an approximate 6.9 acre MRCA-owned parcel,
                       APN 3247-017-902, that contains an Interstate 5 undercrossing.

                       Preservation of the combined 250 acres represents an integral linkage of the Sierra
                       Madre-Castaic Connection.
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