Page 9 - cocannualreport2018
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Promises Delivered

                                                      The cohort of First-Year Promise students who began
                                                      in fall 2017 achieved outstanding academic results:
                                                      • Their success rates in math and English classes
                                                        outpaced other first-time, full-time students.
                                                      • 10 percent finished with a 4.0 GPA.
                                                      • More than 25 percent achieved a GPA of 3.5 or better.
                                                      • 56 percent finished with a GPA of 3.0 or higher.

                                    REPRESENTING AT THE MONTEREY                           TAKING CARE OF
                                    NEXT GENERATION JAZZ FESTIVAL                          BUSINESS
                                    The Music Department’s “Just   Jazz”  took  home  3rd place.   Four COC students competed
                                    Jazz” and “House Blend” vocal   Max Smith won the Outstand-  in the Future Business Leaders
                                    groups were invited to perform   ing Soloist award for his solo on   of America-Phi Beta Lambda
                                    at the Next Generation Jazz   “Fascinating Rhythm.”    (FBLA-PBL) National Conference
                                    Festival. Julie Lawson and “Just                       in Baltimore, Maryland, against
                                                                                           more than 2,800 students. The
        Leading the Way                                                                    chapter was awarded the Gold
                                                                                           Seal Chapter Award of Merit
        in Digital Media                                                                   for success in promoting its
        Education                                                                          programs and projects at local,
                                                                                           state and national levels.
        More than 250 college faculty,
        high  school  teachers  and                                                        Nursing Program
        students from across Califor-                                                      First in California
        nia attended the Digital Media                                                     to Receive New
        Educators  Conference  to
        share best practices in teach-                                                     Accreditation
        ing digital media, and equip-                                                      COC’s Nursing Program
        ping students to succeed in the                                                    became the first in California to
        emerging gig economy.                                  Students                    be accredited by the National
                                                               Honor                       League for Nursing Commission
                                                               Holocaust                   for Nursing Education Accred-
                                                               Survivor                    itation, which awards accred-
                                                                                           itation to nursing programs
                                                               A collaborative project between   offering associate, bachelor’s
                                                               departments in the School of   or doctoral degrees.
                                                               Visual and Performing Arts
                                                               honored the memories of Holo-
                                                               caust survivor Leon Malmed.
                                                               Advanced animation students
                                                               created a documentary,  The
                                                               Promise, which was mixed
        COC MODEL UNITED NATIONS                               by Sound Arts Professor Jon
        RANKED IN TOP 50                                       Amador and features a score
                                                               composed by Music Depart-
        “Best Delegate,” the definitive   in the Top 50 include Prince-  ment Chair Bernardo Feldman.
        website on Model UN, named   ton University, John Hopkins
        COC’s team one of the top   University, Tufts University, UC   The Sound of        By LEEPS and
        50 delegations in the coun-  Davis and UC San Diego.   Distinction                 Bounds
        try. Other schools that ranked
                                                               College of the Canyons was   College of the Canyons part-
                                    Music in the Air           recognized as an “All-Stein-  nered  with  Lincoln  Electric
                                                                                           to  provide  certified robotics
                                                               way” School by Steinway &
                                    School of Visual and Performing   Sons piano makers, as the   training to Lincoln Electric
                                    Arts students and faculty  teamed   two pianos used in the Santa   clients, becoming the first offi-
                                    up with Patrons of the Arts teamed   Clarita Performing Arts Center   cial Lincoln Electric Education
                                    up to resurrect, repaint, and posi-  for student performances in   Partner School (LEEPS) in the
                                    tion  four  used  pianos  around   theatre, dance, and music are   nation, and enhancing COC’s
                                    campus for students to make and   Steinway grand pianos.  position as an industry leader
                                    enjoy music between classes.                           in robotic welding.

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