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Commencement  l)rogram

              Processiona I:

                     Pomp  and  Circumstance                         Elgar

              *The Star Spangled  Banner                              Kay

              *Invocation                                   Eddie  Dalt.on

              Welcome                                     Gerald  Stanley

              "Elisha  Points the Way"           . Dr.  Fredric  P.  Woellner
                              Professor Emeritus  of Education
                           University of  California at Los Angeles

              Scholarships                    .  Judge  C.  M.  MacDougall

              Presentation  of the Class of  1961
                                   and  Awarding  of Diplomas

                           Mr.  Irvin  A.  Shimmin,  Superintendent
                  Dr.  William  D.  Ross,  President  of  the  Board  of  Trustees

              *The Alma  Mater                              Class of 196 I

              • Benediction                           .  Donald  LeBaron

                     Triumphal  March,  Aida                        Verdi

                              Mrs. Dona Jorgensen, Organist

              * Audience  please  rise.
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