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                               I\I,~.:WJlall \Signal

                      ;-.·.         NEWHALL,  CALIFORNIA, .FRIDAY,  JANUARY 11,  1924  ·,)   NUMBER  49
                    .!f11  , ••
                  • •!'.~-.t.1., .:. ... ,   "For  Each  Otlier---Not · Against  Each  Other."  \
         /  Woman's  Club; Meeting ·-.  T\VO .BIG  CONS:rRUCTION .PROJECTS  FOR  ELIZABETH' Examination  For  Postmaster
                                    .  ·. ·  ,  .  'LAKE ___ CANYON  DISTRICT  · · : '
                                                                          " A ~competitive  exnminatio~ for
     r •  - .)   • The  women  o; ·:;,~  Newhnll   ,  .   .   ____ .    ,'  ~  ·   --·-    ··
         ' \Vomt1n's Club will  hold an nil  dny  ·. ElizabeLh  Lake c~nyo~  and  the  proposed  activities at ti,e c!Lmp.   postmaster for  Lhe  local  postofficc
          meeting at I-lap-allan, Wedncsdu,\',  Wurm  Springs distrjct,comprising  .  The  second  big . project  in  the  will  be  held  January  26,  1924.
          Jnn.  23 ·  We  wnnt  t;o · make  th is, of the most beautiful and en- Elizabeth . Lake  canyon  country  Anyone wishing to take the exam-
          our firS t  meeting of  th e  new  year,  chnnti n~ mountain  country in  the  consists in  the  establishment  nnd  ination should  apply to· the New-
          one of the most pleasant  meetings  S   B  b   N   I  F   '     hall  postoffice  for  tl, 0  blanks
           1   1     b  cl   So   , nnta   ar  am   <itiona   •orest,  m,iintcn11nce of a  big  summer  re-
          ! l:t.t  we  aave  eve,·  B  ,::.   come  :ire at Ja13t  coming into !their  own  sort by I-I.  D . Huyler,  who recent- which  should  be  fiJlcd  out  nnd
          early,  bring your darning or  fu.ucy  and are to  be cxtensivPly  develop- ly purchased the old AfcI{ee ranch  sent to th° Civil  Service  Depart-
          work and let's have a'  renl  get-to- ed.  Pluns are now  being formulnt- of ~ix  acres  at  Warm  Springs  on  ment at \Vashington  immediately.
         '  goth•r clay.  There  will  be a  Inn ch  ed  t.o  cnrry out  scvernl  important  E lizabeth, Lake creek. · Mr. Huyler   Accord;ng  t O  announcements
          served  flt,  noon,. for  which a  nomi-  conslructio.n  projects  in  the  dis- iotends to spend about  S50,000 in  ram  w  h'
                                                                               as  mgton;,  there are three
          11n.l  price will  be charged to  ,lcdrn.y                        t  ffi   ·  ·
          expenses.  There will  be a speaker  tl'icts  named.  •  ..,_  ,   1;  carrying out his plans.  These call  pos o  cc  pos1t1ons  to  be  filled,
          for  the afternoon.  We  have a  lot   -On9  of . . the  b1i:  d~velopment  for  U10 .c~nstruction of a  beautiful  Colfax,  Moorpark . and  Newhall.
          of work  to do  thi,i"'yenr,'  so  let  us  programs 1s  to  be  earned  out  by~iotel bmlding;a  number  of  cozy   The exnminntions are to  be  held
            t   k  'th  .  d   t   .   the  San  Fernando  Volley  Boy  ,\,mmer cottages  huge plunge  five  •t  Auburn  and  Los ' Angeles  on
          go  o  \\Or  w1   wi  an  tc ermm~  S   t'  C   ·1   h'  h   .  t.   .  I   f   .'   ,   the  clate •..-.jvcn  •nd  may be  t·•k
          ntion and we can accomplish much.  t•ou  s   ounc1  w  IC   tnl\lO  n.u~s  n ~1 es o  mountain auto  road  and   b   .  "'   "'  en
         ·  Don't forget the datc-JuH.' 23 .   ,hcadqrnrters at V_an  Nuys. ·  Th,s  a ~• line.,  The  road  is . to  at ;;:!•c~o~~c:ffic~   ·.
         .     ---o-       .   4   w01 thy  organ1mt1on  bas  alrencly  ex'ten,d  from  the Rhinart apiary in   pays  $1200.00
                       .    .   made  application, •·  lhru  District  Lower Elizabeth  Lako  cauvon  to  "year ..
          Boy. Scouts Gaining,Members  Rnn~er,.Peterson of Newhall, for  n,  ie Warm Spring~ which Mr. Huy-
         ·'               '    pcnnaneut camp  the Lower  ler hns leased  from  the Santa Bar-  •' Newhall  lteins in  B~ief
           The Boy Scouts . \Vant  evr.ryooc  Elizn.beth·L-ake canyon~ about fiv!'  -arn.,  under' ·"specia1  use"   ..  r __  "  •. •
       :  ··  who will,  to .join the Scout  organi- miles from  Cnsfaio;  to  comprise  5   •mit.  The road is to cast about   '   •·
       •  . •'zati9n.  Any  boy over the  age  of  acres .?f land:; As -~an·ger,Peterson   '~0,iyThe .tel:Ehone line.will  be  .,  H~ve;You  seen'  o~r  hab~r.,
       ,'  ,·  twel\.e is eligible e,nd  ,fathers  may  I  is b_ehmd  the boy;., ·-eart nod.hand.   '?"'  thehL '<(.'i\ ,to , Cnstaic  ery !me.  We handle the !dP,s
        .. ,.  becorre  . honorary'..!,  me·m.bers  an·d· lthc1r 18  no_dou. l.'   \1t  th. e1r  op   dl _COP'ct,1,.  ~.,!' ~ .... _ ;J·-·,  .. \  ..   '1li  guaianle~d full  cutnnd f
         •  .-  •   L I   •   i;~,.   .   ,   I'   t' •   f   •  b  ·   ·, ·  ~  <':   o   ~   •JLJ 1  _ .  \Ve, cnn r ..  volJ.  mr
         . will uc very  weicome.•J'i;,,iAny  -Boy  p  1ca  1011 .  or ."   ~age   em   ~ca)('~  ~ \ ~,   •ow  at   r.:.  .   J  •   _.
          ·scout. 1  11  •~~ glad _fu •helP'tprosPeC~  f~vornbly'cor   ~upcrvV   '•ing~u.."'>..:..·   cfs '.01 1  h~v,e,a_.~- ---~inl pric~~"
          livr: I   ··w}1'1i t ·e,teStsI-...~-l  1-?,: .  / ...,.dant.trY.,..   .. -.. :•   ~ rcsor'tisJ   1 -t:  f  ttir~~~   ~- rr~mth
                                                                       _,-·  ,Ta1lr
        ""'·  71   ·   • .• , __ _ __....,>y,)j,·   -  -~~ -,- ·1 •"•   ··r · -  ,. ,   .  .::..,  -----·   - - ~
           _utlJUy~uavcu.  hll:1,.' 1,IUf',  CVCl) t   -  -··;   ,~·••i;J:!t/l!l!t   ~ ..... _ ~
         'j•  Tuesdlly nite'  at' th~  Presbj terian  spend m .tlie' ne,ghborhooct of $15,- erable means :incl  gives  assuranJe  ;·  ,.  •  .   , . .
        ·.        '.  .   '·  ,  .   000 ·   Id  · · 1   t   ti  t  I   ,·11   ·   ,   M1Es  Elizabeth Gnnnell  has  re-
       ·,. 1  church o.nd'visitors are-, vcry  we!-  m  II  eve opmen  program lo   m  lC,\'1  spare no time;  money   . • ,,   ' 1
        .:-·,' come.  At the meetings.'  the  boy 8  exteml  over  n . period  or  several  01·  effort to m,,ke his resort one  of  tur~ed to  ~erkeley  where  •she _ rn
           I       cl   d.  ti   t'   yenrs.  'l'his progn,m calls  for  the  the  most  inviting  in  the  State.  takmg .special studies.  Mrs. Grm-
          P ay  games  an  spen   ,e  nne   •  .   .  ·  b   .   "/,/  k   .   ,   nell  is m  Newhall  o.t  her  "Castle-
          prinripally in  a social.way,   ·.   erection  of  a  ~ain  cu  house'.  a  \.  or  on  the  proposed  road  Has  in-the-Air," for  the  wint~r.   She
           The . orgamza•  number of dwelling  houses, swim- already.been commenced.
                                                                          has with  her  a  grandson,  Stuart
          t.ion  is going , to  present  the  Boy  ming  pool •  and  numerous _other  •- Doth ,,  these,  big  projects  will
                                                                          Grinnell,  who  is  attending  High
          Scouts  with an American flag ,.and  permanent structures.   Work  on  eventually  ~mean ~cons1dernble  to
                                                                          School at ·San Fernando.  Stuart's
          anyone else who  wishes  to  make  the swim"!ing pool.wit! ,be .star.eccl  Newh~II  and  So.ugus. ,:  I;   , ., .
                                                                          father is a  member·of the universi-
          the boys  a  present  may  present  as s9011  as  the . Councils  app!1cn- , .. Ind1v1.dual  Forest. Service . cabin   ty and  has sent  his  son  to· spend
          them wilh a  t roop  flag.
                               t1on  for  the site hns  been  offiC"-ut.l!y  51tes  whwh  mity  bo tnken up under
    .           ____ ...,.._.a.:.._ '  •   endorsed.   The  proposed  plunge  "special  use"  'permit  nre  now   Grinocllis having R 1it'.1.Je new  ad-
                                                                          the  winter  in  Newhall. _,  l\1rs.
                      , . ,  ·
                               will  cost about $3,000 and measure  available in Elizabeth Lake ·c~oyon
     '     Commumty  Presbyterian   50  by 100 feet:   ·  ,. -·,   1  \  j~nd  0 anybody  who • wants  a  real   dition Lo  h'er castle.  W.  D.  Young
                                                                          is the builder.
               Church  Notes'···   This big _cami, site means a gr~dt.  sumtl:1er cnbin fiite in  this  locality
                   __  ••   •  1   ·   deal  to the boys and  their cnthnsi- shc,uld  make npplicn.tion to,Ranger
                 .  ,   f  "·h'  1  ···p'   , ,  nsm is  nt n  high  level  over  their  Peterson at an  early date.  1   ,   Dunny  Ross,  lloy  Ilutler  and
           The  su  b Jee,  o  t  e   astor s   .   .   .   ·  ~   _   .   •  G.  T.  Doelle  motored  to.  Ocean
          sermon  will  be'·The  Table or  Re-                          -  Park Inst Sunday evening tO  view
          membrance" after  wl1ich  the com- Leap}ear_Dance a Real Joy  night  hour  approached,  the  hall  the remains of the popular  resort.
          munion  ser;icc  will  be  held  and   Festival   presented  the scene of.a  miniature  The fire ,  was  still  burning  when
          now  members  will ' be ..  rcceive<l      Mn.rt.Ii  Gras festival,  confetti  an<l  they arrived.   ,
          into  the  church.  Mrs.  M.  W.           streamers covering the floor like  a
          Lamberson  will  sing . . aad  the   Those who  were  so  unfortunnle. carpet.   In Inst  weck's' 1 Sig·nal .. 0,  serious
          Young People's choir will  sing.   as to m;ss the Leap Year  carnival   We , understand  that  tho  five  error appeared in  the  poem  "The
            The  subject  of  . the  Sunday  dance at Hap-n.-l!'n  last  So.turd1ty  young)adies who gave , this  dance  Band of Gold." ·  The first  line  of
          School  lesson  is  "The, Long  So- nite, i'nissed one of the best dances  are planning to  hold  another  one  the  ~cond  verse  reads,  "Now
          journ in  Egypt."  ., ,·  ,,, 1   ~  that has happened in Newhall since  ia  the near future.   Which  infor•  here's  n.  womn.n  ,;e  wouid  pro-
            The  C,  E,  Service  will "be held  we  can  remember.   Everything  mation·is indeed  pleasing to  listen  claim."  The word  "woman should
          at 7 :00  p. m.  You , are invited to  was  carried  out  with  a  view• to  to·.  As ·dance promoters  de ' luxe  read  "wondcr. 11   This  beautiful
          all  of these eervices:"  :   showing the crowd a  regular  time,  Eleanora  Schwaller,  Irene  •Ruiz:  little 'poem  was  contributed  by  a
            W. H.  Evans  and •A;,H. Wilkie  and we sure.had it.   ·•   Lucile Smith, Opal Houghton  and  friend  of the Signal , and  we  very
         '  attended the dinoer at the Emnn-  Music, favors, refreshments  and  Marian Foster win  the gold medal.  much regret the error.
          uel Presbyterian  Church  given by  hospitality-everything just  as  it. 1 ·,:   !,-~   ·z,,
  ... .''   the ·church  Exterision, Board  on  should be to make  a  dance, really   The  Newhall  I  Woman's  . Club  . NOTICE:_ Cleaning.  pressing,
          Friday nite,  - Plans were launched  delightful. ·  If , Hap-a,lan .  were  will  hold a dance at  Hap-a-l~n  on  altering  and  dyeing .js  done  in
  <  \
  l',.,·   to  organize  a  Building  Fund  Fel- twice as  large. it  would ·no  more  Saturday  evening,  Jan.  26.   Os- Newhall   Keep  your  money  at
  '·      lowship in 'order  to• give ·additiqn- than have comfortably accomodat- trup's orchestra has  been  engaged  home by patronizing home  indus-
          -al  help to  the  churches  that  are  ed  the big  crowd  that  packed  it  to furnish  music for  the  'occasion.  try. , •·  Yours  truly,  Community
          erecting new· buildings.1/:,.,  • : . ,  ,  Inst Saturday nite.   As  the  mid- Nuff. sed ! ", ,.o· .•  '•,J'·  , , ... n.,,;,;  Tailors.
   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16