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nerved him.  He really busted him up.
                         NAT                                                    got a false lead on a supposedly new Mathis
                                                                                  However,  it is  conceivable that all  of us
                                                                                through his four-round knockout of George
                                                                                Chuvalo,  the  gory  Canadian.
                                                                                  Chuvalo  never  has  been  a  great  fighter.
                                                                                No,  not even  in  his  15-round stand against
                                                                                Cassius  Clay  in  Toronto  in  March,  1966.
                                                                                  Chuvalo  has  a  lot  of  that  commodity
                                                                                called  guts.  But  he  has  no  finesse,  he  has
                                              SpllflRIL                         Chuvalo, whom  Mathis  quite  emphatically
                                                                                no  delicacy,  no  commanding  punch.
                                                                                  However, I  am not passing judgment on

                                                                                punched out of consideratio~ for lod~ent
                                                                                in  the  higher social community of the nng.
                                                                                  In beating  Chuvalo,  Mathis  appeared  to
                                                   (JHL!!!                      have  made  a  fresh  start  toward  money,
                                                                                fame  and  recognition.  Well,  he  did  not
                                                                                accomplish  his  goal.  Now  he  believes  he
                                                                                needs  a long vacation,  and  a lot of thought
                                                                                as  to  what  the  profession  of  boxing  holds
                                                                                for  him.
                                                                                  How good is Quarry? I would like to see
                                                                                him  fight  Joe  Frazier.  I  would  like  to  see
                                                                                how  Jerry  takes  a  punch  from  a  puncher
                                                                                who reputedly can punch.
           FLEISCHER                                                            rest  in  the  balance.
                                                                                  Quarry's  chances  for  the  championship
                                                                                  In the meantime,  the title  still  belongs to
                                                                                Cassius Clay. I am told that the Black Mus-
                                                                                lims  have  tossed  him  out.  I  have  not been
                                                                                able  to  get  official  verification of this  from
                                                                                Chicago,  the  seat of Black Muslim empire.
                                                                                  If Cassius is not a Muslim, he cannot be
        I  N  this erratic and baffling business-srort   Guard,  though,  let  me  hasten,  I  am  not   not sufficiently familiar with Mohammedan
                                                                                a  Mohammedan  Imam.  Or  can  he?  I  am
                                            a  follower  of  any  fistic  sect.  I  know  what
            of boxing,  you  can,  and  do,  occasion-
                                            I  am  looking  at,  I  know  what  I  expect  to
            ally  go  wrong.  You  go  wrong  despite
        all  the precautions you may fashion  out of   see,  I know  what demands I  must make of   theology  and  priestly practices.
        your long and  eventful  experience.   the competitors, and the referee and judges.   What  I  do  know  is  that  Federal  Judge
          What I  am getting at is  the case of Jerry   I  looked  at  Quarry,  wondered  if  it  was   Joe Ingraham supported a charge of felony
        Quarry,  and  the  fact  that  after I  had  seen   the  same Jerry who had beaten Floyd Pat-  against  Clay  because  he  doubted  the  au-
        him lose the elimination tournament final  to   terson  twice,  and  felt  that  in  producing  a   thenticity of Cassius's insistence that he was
                                                                                a  lay  preacher  in  Islam,  and  not  eligible
        Jimmy  Ellis,  I  gave  up  on  him.   Quarry-Ellis  final,  the  elimination  tourna-  for  draft.  Judge  Ingraham  appeared  to
          After  a long layoff,  during  which  inside   ment had failed.       doubt if Clay called himself a preacher be-
        scuttlebut said,  "This boy is in a body cast,   However,  the  Quarry  of  the  Ellis  fight   fore  he  got his  Selective  Service call.
        and will fight no more," I saw Quarry, a 12   was  not  the  Quarry  who  took  10  of  the
        to  5  second  choice,  take  Buster  Mathis   dozen  rounds  with  the  greatly  superior  in   In  any  event,  the  Supreme  Court  has
        apart  the  way  a  top-flight  automobile  me-  size  and  weight  Buster  Mathis.   thrown the case back to the Federal courts,
        chanic  will  unscramble  the  components  of   Quarry was  at  the  crossroads.  He knew   with  the  command that they  weigh the im-
        a  delicately  made Ferrari.  Not that  Buster   that he had to  fight  to  the limit of his  abili-  portance of such evidence as may have been
        is  delicately  made.                                                   gained by  the  United States through "clan-
                                            ties  and to the  utmost of his  determination.   destine" methods by the FBI, which is men-
          Quarry lost  to  Ellis  because he  failed  to   He knew that he  had to  win,  and after that   tioned in the transcripts of Clay's two trials.
        fight.  He had  a  couple  of  important  focal   second-round  knockdown,  he  knew  he
        points  of  advantage.  But  he  lagged  b~hin_d   could  win.            The Federal courts will examine the evi-
        and  let Jimmy,  with  Angelo  Dundee  m his   So,  here and now, I doff my hat to Jerry   dence.  Then  they  will  report  back  to  the
        corner,  dominate  the  fight,  which  was  not   Quarry,  and  admit I  went wrong on him.   Supreme Court.  Will  there be a  new  trial?
        a classic in  any  sense  of that term.                                 Will  the  case  return  eventually  to  the  Su-
                                              In  admitting  that  I  had  gone  wrong,  I   preme Court? Are we  in  for  more  delays?
          "Has this  kid  from  California really  got
        the  moxie?"  I  asked  those  who  were  with   am  not  shaping  up  a  charge  of  culpability   We  don't  know.  But  we  do  know  that
                                            against  myself.  From  the  kind  of  showing
        me  in  my viewing  of the  Ellis  affair.                              due process of the law still  belongs to Cas-
                                            Jerry  made  against  Ellis,  only  one  conclu-  sius Clay.
          I  was  assured that courage Jerry did  not   sion  could  have  been  arrived  at,  and  I  hit
        lack.  Directional  determination  he  did  not   that  conclusion.  The  Mathis  fight  changed   How much longer boxing will be able to
        lack.  Prime execution  he  did  lack.   it.                            stay  with  Clay  is  a  question  which  now
                                                                                must  be  answered  only  by  The  Ring
          The Old  Guard will  tell  you  that once a   Did  the  Mathis  bout  place  the  stamp  of   Magazine.
        fighter  has fashioned  a basic  style  for  him-  fistic  genius  on  Quarry?  Not  quite.   The WBA long ago sheared Cassius, and
        self he  is  not very likely  to  deviate from  it.   Jerry  changed  his  style.  He  left  hooked   lately  the  British  Boxing Board  of  Control
          I  went  along  with  the  rest  of  the  Old   Buster to  death,  he  outfought him, he  out-  calmly walked out on him.

        JULY,  1969                                                                                             5
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