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                    DBTAIL.<I  (Cont 'd}t

                    and  1•  the  truth to  the  beet  ot  rq lmowledg•  or  bel1et.

                                                                                 3635th  Bomb  l'rng.  ling
                                                                                 Mather  Air  Foroe  Base
                    \fl1'NESSEDt  S/ Gordon  1'.  Colley•                        Mather  Field•  California
                                  GORDOH  1'.  COLIEY•  Capt.,  USAF
                                  s/ Berl  E.  Pennin..:,ton.
                                  B1RL  E.  P~NNI?nTOB,  S/A  OSI

                               6.  SG1'  PAUIER  exeouted  the  tollowing  1tatement  on  6  S•ptember
                     19'9•  Or1g1.Dal  aigned.  witne  sed  atatenwnt  and  carbon  oopies  on  fib  at
                    19th  District  Oftioe  or  Special  Innatigationa,  Fairtield•Sui1un AFB,
                    California a

                                                                                Mather  Air  Force  Base
                                                                                Mather  Field~  California
                                                                                6  September  19,9

                           I•  SG1'~,--                              uaigned  to  th•  3538th  M&intecano•
                     Squadron,  ~ Air  Force  Base,  CaU£ornia.  Tolunt.lrily make  the  following
                    atatement to  BERL  B.  PENNiml'ON,  who  haa  identified hiuelt to m  u  a
                    Special  Agent,  OSI,  USAF•

                           en  6  September  1949,  Sgt ••IIPa.nd  I  left  San  Fernand•  at  approximately
                     1200 hour•,  headed  in a  nortpernly  direction straight  o~r  Graperl.n•  Pas,.
                    Just betor•  we  reached  the  highest  point  of  the,  with  an  toot
                    mountain  to  our  lett  and  on  the  right  other  lower  mountain.a•  we  si hted  an
                     objeot  uoending  from the  ~oothill1  at  about  an  80  or  85°  angle.  It wa.a
                     about  3•000  teet below  us  when••  spotted  it  and  came  ri&ht  up  approximately
                    enn with  u••  about  1.000 teet  oft  our  right wing  tipo  Ow- eleTat1on  at  thi
                     time  wu  approximately s.soo  feet  aboft  sea  lenl.  It seemed  to  rise  from
                     the  tloor  or  tbtt  hill•  but we  didn •t actually  •••  1 t  lean  the  ground.  mlon
                     it reached  our  altitude•  it •••med  to honr for  a  moment  and  then  it ehot  o!
                     al.moat  directly south.  It was  traveling  at  a  t.rritio speed.  eli  htly  ascen  -
                     1ng  at  about  a  5°  angle.  It headed  south  onr  the  ocean  diaappearing  from
                     our  riewe  lhia  object  appeared.  to  be  like  a  aphere •  slightly  on.l  in  s  ap  •
                     appearing  a  little  longer  than wid••  1hia  objeot  did not  appear  to haw  any
                     support  ot  any kind,  no  exh&ul1;  or  oontrol  aurtaoea  •hata o.vor,  and  was  o
                     a  dull  metalio  aubst.uio••  similar to aluminum.  It appeared  to  be  about  BO
                     er as  feet  in diamater.

                                            ~on  .,,, ,.._, ,.I  • •
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