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                                   HORSE  SHOW
         1. Silver Single                     6.  Best  Western  Single  Junior
         2. Silver  Double                    7.  Best  Western Double Junior
         3.  Reined  Stock  Horse
                                              8.  Best  Equipped  Working  Cowboy
         4.  Best  Western  Single  Senior
         5.  Best  W estewrnDouble  Senior    9.  Musical Chair
            Judges  for  these  events  will  be  Henry  Poole,  Mark  Noble,  and  Nonnia
            Horse  Show Committee Dan Michael,  Chuck Clemans, Russ  Stearns, Ted
        Beck,  Ed  Jauregui  and Joe  Towle.
            First  prizes will be a trophy awarded by a  local person or firm.  Second
        and third  prizes  will  be ribbons,  except event  number 9  which  will  be  three
        cash  awards  of  $15,  $10,  and ·$5.
            Contestants cannot be over 16  years of  age in event 9. The  Horse  Show
        will  be  held at the  Grammar  School  Grounds  following  the  Barbecue.

                                     EVENT  NO.  4

                               HORSE  SHOW  -   2:00  P.M.

                    DAN  MICHAEL,  Chairman  Horse  Show  Committee

                Paul Palmer                           Congratulations

              Attorney  at  Law

                'Phone 375

                                                    YOUR  DEPENDA BLE  "'C RE01T .  Jeweler
                                                    1038½  San  Fernando  Road
                   California                 Phone  89             San  Fernande
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