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                                        A  ten-minute  look  at  history ..... or  an  exploring  adventure

                                         of  an  hour  or  more  in  Fremont  Pass ...... soak  yourself  with

                                         imagination  about  the  transportation  problems  of  the  Old

                                        West  and  the  amazing  spirit  of  the  men  who  solved  them ....

                                        chances  are,  Los  Angeles  would  never  have  become  the  great

                                         trade  center  of  Southern  California  if General  Beale's  men

                                        had  not  conquered  this  mountain  pass.

                       IT  HAPPENED  OVER  A  CENTURY  AGO

                      The  road  was  too  steep  for  the  stage  coaches  traveling  between

                      Los  Angeles  and  Northern  California.

                      Passengers  and  drivers  pushed  and  tugged  at  the  wooden  wheels.

                      Bandits  might  show  up  at  any  moment!

                      General  E.  F.  Beale,  a  prominent  landowner  of  the  area,

                      made  the  trip  many  times.

                      Often,  the  freight  wagons  carrying  supplies  to  his  ranches

                      were  unable  to  make  the  grade  unless  the  cargo  was  unloaded.

                      Sometimes,  the  cargo  rolled  down  the  mountainside  and  was  a  total  loss.

                      Frustrated  by  the  problems  the  road  presented,

                      General  Beale  gathered  fifty  of  his  men  together  to  perform

                      one  of  the  greatest  engineering  tasks  of  his  day .....

                      They  cut  a  92-foot  slot  out  of  the  middle  of  the  mountain ....•

                      with  hand  tools!  The  stages  and  wagons  rolled  through  with  ease.

                      The  gateway  from  the  North  into  Los  Angeles  was  opened.

                      Today's  busy  highway,  U.  S.  #6,  passes  within  a  few  hundred  feet

                      of  this  masterpiece  of  yesteryear's  efforts

                      to  conquer  the  obstacles  that  nature  placed  in  the  path  of  progress.

                                                                                                          The  giant  chasm

                                                                                                          seems  to  beckon  to  you,

                                                                                                          "Come,  stand  between  my  walls.

                                                                                                          Look  up.

                                                                                                           Imagine  the  hours  of  hard  labor,

                                                                                                          with  only  hand  tools,  that  fashioned  me.

                                                                                                          Brush  my  sides

                                                                                                          you  may  still see  the  chisel marks

                                                                                                          made  by  the  determined  men

                                                                                                          who  toiled  here."

                                                                                                       Gypsy  Jaunt/"Beale's  Cut,"  57  SE  - Page  1
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